Display case in History and Genealogy Room
North Pines Genealogy Group
About us
Membership form
Officers, Committe Chairs
Calendar of Events
NPGG Lincoln County Cemetery Indexing Project
Favorite Genealogy Links
Selected Items from NPGG library
Germans to America Book Series
35th Anniversary
Heritage Fair 2018
NPGG Display cases in History and Genealogy Room
Wistein/Krueger Funeral Books
Beginning Your Genealogical Adventure
NPGG Photos
Joyce Bacher
Heritage Certificates, Century and Pioneer
Items For Sale
VI Award 2023
Post Offices of Lincoln County, WI
North Pines Genealogy Group Photo Gallery at T. B. Scott Library
Pictures here are in the History and Genealogy Room at T. B. Scott Library in Merrill.
Display cases are maintained by Board Members of NPGG and are updated 4 times a year.
Display case on the left side of the room.
Display case on the right side of the room.
Who Do You Think You Are?
Theme is Beginning Your Genealogical Adventure. Beginner's class is held every spring March through April at T. B. Scott Library. Sharon Karow, Instructor.
North Pines Genealogy Group collection of books, pamphlets and other material.
Military collection display
Sharon Karow family artifacts
Continued collection of Military artifacts owned by members of NPGG