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Instructions for obtaining a Heritage Certificate


North Pines Genealogy Group

P. O.  Box 132, Merrill, WI 54452



North Pines Genealogy Group (NPGG) is offering Heritage Certificates to individuals or families whose ancestors settled here 100 or 120 or more years ago.  The purpose of this project is to identify and recognize descendants of early settlers and encourage family history research.  Applicants will receive a certificate of recognition, and the family information they provide will be stored in binders to be placed on file at the Merrill T. B. Scott Library in the History and Genealogy Room on the 3rd floor.


1. Fill out the application for the ancestor identified.

2. Select which certificate for which you are applying:  Century – 100 yrs (1921 or earlier)    Pioneer – 120 years (1901 or earlier)

3. Complete all the information for the ancestor and spouse.  


  • If your great-grandfather came to Merrill before 1921, you would apply for a Century certificate in his name.  
  • If he came with his wife, she would be named on the  certificate with him.  It may be possible for someone to have four sets of great-grandparents who came to the Merrill area before 1901.  
  • If your ancestor’s arrival was in 1887 then you would apply for a Pioneer Certificate

 4.  A pedigree chart is required which will show the decendency for the ancestor to the applicant.  For your convenience, a blank chart will be included with the application.

 5.  Proof of the ancestor’s settlement in the area must accompany the application.  Provide copies and list the sources used as proof in the space provided.  These sources may include birth, marriage and death records, land records, city directories, newspaper and census information.  The Register of Deeds office at the Lincoln County courthouse in Merrill has birth and death records from 1875, marriage records from 1870 as well as early land records.  City directories, newspapers on microfilm, necrology file and census information can be found at the T. B. Scott Library.

  • You may use your genealogy computer program forms, charts or forms from this application or other ancestor charts or family group sheet forms; however, you must reference the sources on the application form for any documents you are using as proof of residence (marriage, birth, death records, census year, newspaper and date, etc.).

 6.  Return the completed application with a check in the amount of $10.00 to

  • North Pines Genealogy Group 
  • P. O. Box 132
  • Merrill, WI  54452.

  Example:   Descendants of Otto Albin Peterson believe that Otto came to Lincoln County as early as 1887 and would like to complete a Heritage Pioneer Certificate application for 120 years or more.  In filling out the application for the ancestor, Otto Albin Peterson, documents required include:

  • application form
  • pedigree chart
  • copies of census pages in which Otto appears in the Merrill area
  • volume and page number of his marriage record (i.e.  Lincoln Co. Marriages, Volume B, Page 32) or a marriage announcement from an area newspaper is absolute proof he was here
  • copies of vital records are encouraged, but not required. 

 Documentation NEEDS TO PROVE that Otto Peterson was present in Lincoln County in 1887.

 7.  If more than one certificate based on the same ancestor is requested, proof of the ancestor’s settlement in Lincoln County is required for only the first application.  The remaining applications should be cross-referenced to it.  However, an application form, pedigree chart and proof of descent are still required for each person for whom a certificate is requested.



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How to obtain a Heritage Packet

Heritage Packets are available at T. B. Scott Library in the History and Genealogy Room on the 3rd floor. They will be located on the desk in this room.  Please feel free to take a Heritage Packet in order to receive your certificate.  Fill out all of the appropriate paperwork and include your verifying documentation along with your check to North Pines Genealogy Group, P. O. Box 132. Merrill, Wisconsin 54452.


Another way to obtain a Heritage Certificate

You can obtain a Heritage Certificate packet by contacting Sharon Karow at SLKarow9@AOL.com. A complete packet will be emailed to you.  The packet includes a sample for a Century certificate to use as a guide in filling out your forms along with the appropriate documents.